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Hallux Limitus Stiff Big Toe treatment in Perth

Painful big toe especially during weight-bearing movements?

Increased pain and stiffness in cold temperatures?

Difficulty wearing shoes, especially high heels, due to increased pressure on the joint?

We Can Help

Medically the big toe is referred to as the hallux. Hallux limitus is a progressive arthritic condition that limits the motion and function of the big toe. Hallux limitus affects the dorsiflexion (upward motion) and over time the condition can worsen and lead to hallux rigidus or no motion of the big toe joint at all.


Hallux Limitus Stiff Big Toe

After diagnosis, we can create a treatment plan based on the severity of your condition. For mild cases, over-the-counter measures such as shoe modifications, custom functional orthotics or prefabricated inserts, physical therapy, injection therapy, and oral anti-inflammatory medications are most commonly used.